Mission: reduce the stigma of HIV one conversation at a time.
Purpose: Mr Friendly is an international, yet grassroots movement to reduce stigma of HIV, encourage testing for HIV, and improve quality of life for those living with HIV.
Vision: Mr Friendly envisions a world without stigma of HIV.
History: “Mr Friendly” was launched at the 2008 Mr Michigan Leather Contest by Dave Watt. Deriving from the term “Poz-Friendly”, we created “Mr Friendly” to promote a stigma-free approach to communication. This simple smiling face has helped build a community of allies to end ever changing HIV stigma. Mr. Friendly (shown above) is designed to be the New Face of HIV Awareness. This grassroots movement, focuses on “Reducing the Stigma of HIV through Conversation, Education and HIV Testing Partnerships.”

Team Friendly Brazos Valley (TFBV) is a member of the Team Friendly Network, which is an extension of the Mr. Friendly campaign.
TFDBV is championing the mission of Reducing the Stigma of HIV in the Brazos Valley area through one-on-one conversations and interactive activities designed to re-calibrate the community on HIV-Friendly conversations. We firmly believe that conversations lead to educational opportunities which directly result in more testing for HIV and increased quality of life for people living with HIV. All of these things collectively reduce HIV stigma and contribute to the decrease of HIV in our community.