October is LGBTQ+ History Month
Pride Community Center would like to share with you today one of our community leaders making a difference in our state.
Jose Juan Lara, Jr. MS (he/him/his) Project manager Casa de Esperanza/National Latin@ Network for Health Families and Communities
Jose Juan Lara, Jr., MS, (he/him/his) is a project manager at Casa de Esperanza, who focuses on the National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities. In this position, he is responsible for managing, coordinating, and delivering training and technical assistance in the areas of enhancing cultural responsiveness in the courts and capacity to enhance services and increase leadership to Latina and/or culturally specific organizations.
Lara began advocating for survivors of family violence in his hometown of Brownsville, Texas in 1999 and has expertise in the areas of cultural competence and responsiveness, dynamics of gender-based violence, LGBTQ, language access, organizational development, and victim’s advocacy.
Lara has presented on these issues at the community level and nationally, engaging a broad spectrum of multidisciplinary professionals from the areas of criminal justice, social services, policy, and health.